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Prayer with Cantor Abraham Lubin

The cantor leads the congregation in sung prayer, pleading for God's forgiveness.

Aired 09/21/2001 | Rating NR

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

Prayer with Cantor Abraham Lubin

Clip: Season 5 | 2m 55s

The cantor leads the congregation in sung prayer, pleading for God's forgiveness.

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the most solemn day of the Jewish calendar. Observant Jews spend all day in synagogue fasting and repenting. The cantor, also known as the hazzan, leads the congregation in ancient, sung prayer, pleading for God's forgiveness. We spoke with Cantor Abraham Lubin of Congregation Beth El in Bethesda, Maryland, as he prepared for the high holidays.

Aired 09/21/2001 | Rating NR

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